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DEEICE of Undergraduate Cratate Non-Degree Sues ceifcatePograms — StuyAboad Summer Progam AU. ADMISSIONS i saree Stud ate Prog 7 : Viktor Aghajanyan "AUA is giving me comprehensive knowledge of the business world and is preparing me to excel in my future career” [min my last year at AUA and wil graduate in june 2019 with a concentration in Accounting, Fur yeats ago, when | was frst applying to AUA. | thought that | would gain skis in accounting, marketing effective communication, entrepreneurship, business technology, management, and more, My expectations have been entirely fufile, Some things love about AUA: the opportunity to choose subjects that perfectly match with my career ambitions the fact that AUA gives us the needed skills and independence to take responsibilty for ‘ur learning, and the professors of AUA who have made lasting impression and influence in my life Yerevan, Armenia ‘During my stuces, co-funded a Munich based blockchain startup that deals with tokening option contracts, High School: Physics and Outside ofthe classroom, | play chess (2200+ elo) and read about politics and history. On top ofthis, love Mathematics Specialized traveling and have so far experienced 20 countries. | loved my time in France wherel spent a semester studying School named after Artashes atthe American University of Paris Shahinyan ‘My advice to both applicants and fst-year students is Program of study: sain MY a ae Business “always create a rough weekly schedule, keep track of important dates, eadines and challenge yoursl thus Graduation Year: 209 avoiding floccinaucinitiliplficaton* Work experience to date: Financial Analyst & Interested in my experience? Shoat me an ema at vikior_aghajanyanedu ava amt ‘Algetrader

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