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Phrasal verbs

Be up to be doing something

Cater for provide what is wanted or needed by someone or something

Chill out relax completely

clear up make a place tidy by removing things from it or putting them

where they should be

Come up against have to deal with a problem

Come up with suggest or think of an idea or plan

Cut down (on) do less of something or use something in smaller amounts

do up repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive

Get away with succeed in avoiding punishment for something

Get hold of obtain something

get on with continue doing something, especially work

Get over feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy,
or get better after an illness

go on continue

Hand back return something to the person who gave it to you

Hang around spend time with someone


Have a go try to do something

Keep a promise do what you said you would do

Phrasal verbs

Live up to be as good as something

Look back to think about something that happened in the past

Make up say or write something which is not true

Not have a clue be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with

pick up collect (or go and get) someone or something

Pick up collect, or to go and get, someone or something

Point out tell someone about some information, often because you
believe they are not aware of it or have forgotten it

Pop into go into a place or visit for a short time

Pull in Attract

Put off decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time
or date

sum up describe the important facts or characteristics about something

or someone

Take over take control of / occupy

Take risks do something even though something bad might happen

because of it

take up start doing a particular job or activity

Turn out be known or discovered finally and surprisingly

wear out make someone extremely tired

Wear out make someone extremely tired

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