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History United Kingdom

The primitive inhabitants were Celts. It was not until the 1 st century that the
Romans settled in the country definitely, and built a stone wall (Hadrian´s wall)
that separated them from the Celts coming from the north. During the 5 th century,
the Saxons, Angles and Jutes settled in the centre of the island, leaving the northern
regions, Scotland and western regions, Wales and Cornwall to the primitive
inhabitants. Latin disappeared when these tribes invaded Britain. The Vikings’
invasion continued during the 8th and 9TH Centuries. William the Conqueror united
the different counties of England and Scotland under the Norman rule in the 11 th
century. In 1215, the sovereign´s absolute power became submitted to law because
of the Magna Carta. This was due to the Barons´ rebellion against King John, who
finally had to sign it. Henry II annexed Ireland to the English crown at the end of
the 12th century. Edward I favoured the setting-up of the parliament and he
conquered Wales at the end of the 13th century.

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