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Portfolio 2018-19

Bite of Reality Reflection

Describe the persona you were given -- occupation, kids, etc.

I was a graphic designer that made about 2,000 dollars a month. I had a wife that was a band
teacher that made around 1,400. And I had a 9 month year old baby

How successful were you with budgeting your money? Explain.

I wasn’t very successful at budgeting my money. By the time I went to the buy a house table I
couldn't afford a house. I had to go back to previous tables and return stuff so I could get my
money back to buy a house. And even after that I barely had money. There was 3 more tables left
and if I would gone to those tables I would of gone bankrupt

Did you need to go back and adjust any of your purchases along the way? Explain.
Yes I did I need to return things so I could afford a house.

What surprised/interested/worried/confused you about how you managed your personal

What surprised me was how much money babies cost. I was paying around $800 a month for the
things the baby needs. I was also surprised by how much money things cost.

What is one takeaway -- a useful or important bit of information -- that you have gathered from
participating in this experience?
A take away I got from it is how much things really cost. And you have to be careful about how
you manage your money to make sure you don’t go bankrupt. You have to be wise and spend
your money right.
Portfolio 2018-19

How might this experience affect your future choices with personal finance?
This experience will definitely affect my personal finance because I will be extra careful with
how I manage my money. I will make sure I spend my money on the right things and not spend
money on things that I don’t need. Knowing this information will for sure be helpful in the

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