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Portfolio 2018-19

Career Readiness Reflection

(for Career Choices Events, Mock Interviews, Field Trips, Industry Expert One-On-Ones,
Simulations, Guest Speakers, etc.)

Date of presentation/event: March 30, 2019 Location: Cloverdale High School

Brief description of activity (what was it?):

The CHS Food Fest was a food festival held here on campus. It was an event ran by students
from Culinary and Farm to Table. Each kitchen came up with a specific type of food they wanted
to make and sold it at food fest.

Why did you choose to attend this presentation?

I chose this event because it taught me a lot of valuable things like budgeting and marketing. A
local business owner even came in and showed us how she budgets at her own restaurant.

What did you learn about this career/field that is appealing to you?

What I found appealing about this career was being able to make profit off something you enjoy
making or eating.

What areas of this career/field might be difficult for you?

Budgeting was probably the most difficult because if you get more product than you need and
don't sell all of it you wont make profit.

What skills have you already developed that would help you in this career/field?
I feel that responsibility and creativity would help me in this field.

What skills would you need to further develop (or begin to develop) to be successful in this
I would need to develop skills in marketing, budgeting, and learning how to cook all kinds of
different foods.
Portfolio 2018-19

Do you want to continue to investigate this career/field as a possibility for your future? Why or
why not?
This specific career isn't something I'm particularly interested in because I'm not as passionate in
making and preparing food as others.

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