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My name is, I am a I started my studies in I left my career reasons, I am 25 years

old, I was born, I am married and I have 1 son, My wife's name is, my son's name
is, my son is, I currently work in politics, I belong to the Conservative party and the
team, my studio, my work, my well-being and in general all my achievements I owe
to politics, my function in politics is to do political marketing, I am the owner of a
corporation work in a company named, the name of my boss, current candidate for
the assembly of the department, the name of my political team is " to which 10
leaders of the department of belong, we work with mothers head of family, victims of
the armed conflict or, older and younger adults, we have presence in the communes
of the municipality of and in the rural, this political team has an experience of 5 years,
the representative and Leader of this team is me, we have managed to position our
name in the political field as the
I was born in the municipality of Ibagué, I grew up in the city of Cali and the last years
I lived in the cities of Pereira and Bogotá; in these last 2 cities I worked as a street
vendor for a long period of time, but I knew the politics and thanks to a political
godmother I could study, I could work in a company and manage to buy an apartment
in the city of Bogotá in the green city condominium, achieve stability thanks to
By orders of my superiors in the future specifically in the year 2023 I will be the mayor
of the municipality of Santa Isabel in the department of Tolima, but my goal is not
that, what I really want is to be a Deputy from the department of Tolima for that same
year, that's my goal and I'm talking to my superiors to change their order and instead
of being mayor allow me to be a deputy.
My favorite food is fish, my favorite color is 4: white, black, light blue and light green;
my favorite music genre is popular, I love the seventh art and my favorite pastime is

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