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Portfolio 2018-19

Bite of Reality Reflection

Describe the persona you were given -- occupation, kids, etc.

I was given the occupation of a firefighter. I was married and had a daughter of an age of
5 months old.

How successful were you with budgeting your money? Explain.

I would say that I ended up okay at the end, at the end of the month I saved about 60
dollars. I was able to afford the necessities. I had focused my money going towards the most
important things to the least, if it wasn’t something I desperately needed, or valuable, then I
spent the least I could on that.

Did you need to go back and adjust any of your purchases along the way? Explain.
No I did not need to go back and adjust any of my purchases.

What surprised/interested/worried/confused you about how you managed your personal

Nothing really surprised me really, however, I did see some things that were unrealistic to
me. Such as, babysitting a child and spending 1k for those services, when in reality my mom
would be able to take care of my child for less amount of money.

What is one takeaway -- a useful or important bit of information -- that you have gathered from
participating in this experience?
From the experience, I took away a bit of information in regards to writing a check.
Portfolio 2018-19

How might this experience affect your future choices with personal finance?
The experience wouldn’t really affect me, I know to be smart with my money, and spend
it where it needs to be spent.

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