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The success of a marketing plan depends on the information, however, the

collection of the information and its use can be divided into 8 steps:

I. Explore: The more ideas you have at the beginning, the better for your
marketing plan and more is the possibility of success. You should not
only plan the present but also the future because this is why you must
first explore your environment to be sure of the bottom line of the
marketing plan.

II. Analyse your customers: Let your clients be your consultants, that is,
instead of consulting others, getting feedback from your clients will
make you have better results and better advice.

III. Analyse your competitor: Competitors are the most prominent in the
minds of customers, because of this you must know your customers
and your competitors, as well as the market situation.

IV. Analyse yourself : At this stage, you have to decide what your budget
is, and establish the capacity or needs that you have. Therefore,
marketing prospects must be planned, setting changes as you analyze

V. Prepare your marketing plan: document your marketing plan, you

need to use your data and formulate a strategy.

VI. Implement: launch the marketing plan, take contingency plans into
account and capitalize on any positive aspects that may be developed
during implementation. By doing this, you are ensuring a smooth flow
of the marketing plan.

VII. Follow up: You have to follow up on the marketing plan implemented,
to establish the reaction obtained by customers and improvise in a
future plan

VIII. Explore other opportunities: To find new opportunities in the market,

innovating in your marketing strategies, the more varied they are, the
better the response of their clients will be.

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