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‘06/05/2019 Soling on Teachers Pay Teachers: 10 Slaps to Help You Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers: 10 Steps to Help You Are you interested in selling on Teachers Pay Teachers? Maybe you need to make money to help with the monthly budget or you want a source for your “fun money”. It could be that you want to start a side hustle? Whatever your reason for selling on TPT, you will need to start at the beginning. That's where this post comes in. Sell on TPT NOW! siciucan too You already spend hours making things for your classroom and pouring your heart and soul into lessons. It doesn’t take much more to process those lessons and add them to the site. Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers is a great way to make a few extra bucks a month(or more if that's your goal). It's amazing how making a few dollars on something you created for your classroom validates your efforts and time. | think it's just knowing that it wasn't time wasted. Someone else values your time, your creativity, and your knowledge about best educational practices. Getting started on Teachers Pay Teachers and selling teaching resources online can seem a little overwhelming. You get frozen by the “where do I start”, “when should | upload it“, and “ it even sell” questions. Well, you start here. And you won't know if it will sell unless you try. Ready? hitps ww teachers-pay-teachers! 18 ‘06/05/2019 Soling on Teachers Pay Teachers: 10 Slaps to Help You Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers 0 Steps To Get Started 1. Sign Up To Sell You may have already signed up for a standard buyer membership. Now you need to switch your account to a Seller account. Before you click off this post, keep reading and see why you should sign up for a Basic or Premium Seller account. Signing up for a Teachers Pay Teachers account is easy, similar to signing up for any other account on the web. 2. Open a PayPal Account Most likely, you already have a PayPal account. If you don't, now is the time. You need to have a way to collect payments. TPT will payout once a month via PayPal. Just now signing up? You will need your bank account information handy. PayPal will make two small deposits to your account (really small: .06 or .04). This is to verify that you are indeed the owner of the account. You will check your statement and then enter the amount of the two deposits on PayPal so they will really know it's you! 3. Sign up for Premium (if you are serious) Here we go. Are you going to test drive this for more than a few months? Try it for a year? Ask yourself how serious you are about making money on your lessons. Investing up front in the Premium Seller account will save you money in the long run! It might take a few months of selling on Teachers Pay Teachers to make your money back, however, if you are selling units you might as well be cashing in on as much of that sale price as possible. The Premium membership is $59.00. You keep more of each purchase and only have a transaction fee if the buyer has less than $3 in their cart at checkout. ie. your item only hitps lwo rhodadesignstudio.com0-steps-selingteachers-pay-teachers/ 216 ‘06/05/2019 Soling on Teachers Pay Teachers: 10 Slaps to Help You and it was $2.99 or less there will be an additional transaction fee. Similar to using your bank card for purchases less than $5 at the store. Find Time to Create Yes Please! 4. Invest in Commercial Fonts and Clipart Now we know you are serious. You have your PayPal account and your Premium Seller account. It's time to get some things created and listed. Don't worry about investing too much money in this side hustle right off the bat. You are selling on Teachers Pay Teachers to make some extra money, not to spend your whole budget just to get started. There are ways to spread it out. You can find free fonts for teachers as well as free clipart for Teachers Pay Teachers products, That will offset the initial fee. (Later you will want to invest in premium fonts and clipart though...just FYI). Like any business, you need to do a little investing eventually. When and how much you invest is entirely up to you and what your budget and comfort level will allow. Buy a few commercial fonts and clipart sets to jazz up your resources. Click here to start one with Need a Blog? step-by-step directions! There are loads of people selling on Teachers Pay Teachers who make graphics, digital papers, frames, clipart, and fonts for teachers to use in their resources. Some even offer free samples and that is a great way to start too (if it's quality and has a Terms of Use/TOU that allows selling) hitps ww teachers-pay-teachers! 38

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