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My intention in this paper was to analyze the McDonald’s-Michael Jordan advertisement

I found and find the deeper meanings behind it. I wanted to use the cultural norm where mostly

everybody in our society understands that fast food is unhealthy for the body, and I wanted to

connect that with this advertisement. The readers of this paper are fellow students and Professor

Stoltman, so I wanted my audience to understand the trickery McDonald’s used in this ad by

combatting the stereotype and making their brand look good.

I started by thinking about cultural norms, then I thought about how society is critical of

fast food, so I searched for those types of advertisements. Once I found my ad, I wrote a list of

all the components (background, audience, etc.) that I needed, and I wrote bullet points for each

idea. I got enough material, so I then combined all my information into one cohesive product.

The changes I made were minor, but I changed the order of some paragraphs as well as the

wording of some sentences. The hardest part was to decide what I wanted to revolve my analysis

around, so I looked through all of the components, and once I started thinking about audience

and cultural norms, that is when I decided what to write about.

My peers helped me find mistakes that I’m blind to because I’m so used to writing a

certain way. They helped me realize that I say “so” a lot, so I fixed that. They also found some

confusing sentences and a place where I contradicted myself, and that was really helpful. One

class activity that helped me was when we all looked at an ad that you pulled up and we analyzed

it by ourselves and with groups because I gained a perspective of what I should write about.

My visual analysis affects the reader by leading them to understand a deeper way of

comprehending the ad. I made sure to stay neutral, so the reader is hopefully able to have enough

information to form their own opinion on it without my bias. In a way, I tried to teach the reader

about this social norm and how to find it within this advertisement.

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