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Katie Feuling


Descriptive Writing Questions

1. A strong description is very helpful when analyzing a text. This is because the goal of the
analysis is to look at all the parts of something in order to make a good, well thought out
conclusion. To obtain this goal a strong description is incredibly useful because it gives
full detail of all the aspects of what is being described. Thus, being able to give a good
2. A lot of people have heard show not tell because a lot of times showing something is
more effective than just simply explaining it. I think that showing and telling is less heard
of in writing because it is very difficult to do both. Additionally, although it could be
effective it could take away from the showing aspect.
3. Describing is very important in memoirs and narratives because the authors' goal is to
have the reader see things from their point of view. The only way to do that is to give
very strong details of everything the authors experience because only then can we fully
understand what the author thinks and feels.
4. With the advantages of description-based writing, there are also disadvantages. One of
these disadvantages is that over describing something which could end up being very
boring for the reader causing them to lose interest.

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