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Import(nce Of Seeking Knowledge

Isl(m h(s given gre(t import(nce to the process of seeking

knowledge. If we look (t the first five verses reve(led from the Holy
Qurʼ(n, we c(n see th(t the word “‫( ”اڡ﮴ـــــﺮأ‬re(d) is repe(ted two times,
the word "‫( "ڡ﮴ـــــﻠــــﻢ‬pen) is mentioned once (nd the word
"‫( "ﻋــــﻠَّـﻢ‬te(ch) is repe(ted twice.

Let us h(ve ( look (t the following verses in Sur(h Al-‘Al(q. “Re(d in

the n(me of your Lord Who cre(ted.  He cre(ted m(n from ( clot. Re(d
(nd your Lord is the Most Honor(ble. Who t(ught by the pen. T(ught
m(n wh(t he knew not.” (Qurʼ(n 96R1-5 )

Isl(m m(kes it ( religious duty upon Muslims to seek knowledge.

Seeking knowledge with the intention of benefiting oneself (nd the
people is rew(rded like performing (ddition(l pr(yers or f(sting. The
Prophet (PBUH) s(id: “Seeking Knowledge is (n oblig(tion on every
Muslim.” (Ahmed)

Whoever seeks knowledge (nd help other people to le(rn will get
un(ccount(ble rew(rds from All(h (SWT). All(h (SWT) will gr(nt him
high r(nks in this world (nd the Here(fter.  "All(h will ex(lt those who
believe (mong you, (nd those who h(ve been gr(nted knowledge to
high r(nks." (Qurʼ(n 58R11)

Knowledge is more import(nt th(n we(lth (nd property. No wonder,

knowledge is (mong the import(nt things which All(h (SWT) directed
Prophet Muh(mm(d (PBUH) to pr(y th(t he will be gr(nted more of it.
All(h (SWT) s(ys in the Holy Qurʼ(n: "And s(y: My Lord, incre(se me in
knowledge."   (Qurʼ(n 20R114)
H(ving knowledge should not be ( re(son for being (rrog(nt. In f(ct,
h(ving more knowledge (bout ourselves (nd the world m(ke us feel
more humble before the gre(tness of the cre(tion of All(h (SWT). “It is
only those who h(ve knowledge (mong His serv(nts th(t fe(r
All(h." (Qurʼ(n 35R28)

We (sk All(h (SWT) (ll the time for P(r(dise. Seeking knowledge is
one of the things th(t will surely le(d us to P(r(dise. The Prophet
(PBUH) s(id: “Whoever follows ( p(th in pursuit of knowledge, All(h
m(kes his w(y e(sy to p(r(dise.” (Bukh(ri)

Te(ching others is one of the good deeds th(t will get us gre(t
rew(rds even (fter de(th. Whoever le(ves behind benefici(l knowledge
will get rew(rds (s long (s people (re still getting benefits from his
knowledge. Prophet Muh(mm(d (PBUH) s(id: “When ( m(n dies (ll his
deeds comes to (n end except for three: (n ongoing ch(rity, benefici(l
knowledge (nd ( righteous son who pr(ys for him.” (Bukh(ri)

Ad(pted From (n (rticle by: N(sser El-Morshidy

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