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nd social status in the societ% &e are #amiliar with the “Hitch %our wagon to a star” The logic

is sim!le '# we d as!ire #or something, we shall not stri$e #or it and conse(uentl% meaningless li#e o#
disa!!ointment Howe$er small or howe$er someone)s ambitions and dreams are, the% are there,
which is " world running Ha$ing ambitions do not merel% mean to “build castles in the a actuall% get
u!, go out and #ace the real world, its challenges, s against its u!s and downs and ha$e confdence in the
#ulflment dreams This is confrmed b% &illiam Sha"es!eare in his (uote: should be made o# sterner
stu*” Thus dreaming won)t su+c

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