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The Qing dynasty was an empire lasting nearly 300 years from 1644-1912.

The dynasty
started off strong with repeated conquests of many areas expanding its borders
becoming the largest dynasty in China's history. Although it was the largest it was also
the last dynasty in china's history. ​As the dynasty started from rebellions it also ended at
the hands of rebellions.

The Qing dynasty was at its peak a great empire worthy of respect but it quickly fell into
a tyrannical empire barely keeping itself together mainly because of how strong of a
foundation it had. But even the strong foundation built by generations of rulers for an
entire kingdom could not keep up with the irresponsible spending and utterly
incompetent ruling while also having to deal with having all the corrupt government
officials it is a miracle it lasted as long as it did. ​Although this is what happened that is
not to say that when the Qing dynasty was at its peak it was not a flourishing empire
that had won the hearts of the people and although the dynasty did fail and fall in later
years at the start of the dynasty it did rather well for itself to the point of China being at
its largest size in all of its dynastic history having a stable strong government and great
economy it was doing rather well for itself until Emperor Qianlong (1735–1796) became
greedy.​ He tried to conquer military strong nation like Vietnam and Burma. He sent
many armies at them and they were all lost his repeated mistakes cost very much to the
empire and he also spent a lot of on luxury items like palaces and he neglected foreign
trade. ​The inept court and children did not do any better at ruling as although the empire
seemed to be fine the court officials were too busy seeking luxuries then doing their jobs
this put the empire in great trouble.

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