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Growth through Discipleship

I. Growth and discipleship

A. Growth = conversion
1. Happens everyday
We grow every day in so many different ways. When it comes to our faith, growth
is extremely necessary. To grow is to have a conversion. I don’t mean convert to a
different religion every day. This type of conversion is a conversion of faith, and it can
happen every day, multiple times a day. The word conversion means “rotation or
revolution”, or to turn back. If we think of God being right in front of us, but with every sin
or distraction from our faith, we start to turn until we find ourselves with our back to God.
Then it becomes easy to ask, “God where are you?” when it was us that moved. And we
are bound to move. Though we try not to, we will fail and sin and get distracted. But
then we have to have a conversion of faith - we must turn back until we are facing God
again. And that can be really hard - it might require the sacrament of confession. But
that’s growth. It’s really hard and scary, but it’s necessary to be a disciple of Christ.
B. Discipleship = job description of a Christian, actively walking with Jesus
every day
1. Requires growth
Discipleship requires growth. It means to actively walk with Jesus every day. It’s
the job description of a Christian! Discipleship leads to holiness, which leads to
wholeness - we become the person that God created us to be. Discipleship is not
moving away from God, but moving with your eyes set on the Lord, following where he

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