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Portfolio 2018-19

Summative Citizenship Reflection

Reflect on your four years of community service. In a thoughtful paragraph, discuss what you
did, what you learned about yourself, the value of community service, future careers or interests,
collaboration, workplace environments, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, and/or how the experience
of community service has impacted you.
What Ive done over the past year here in cloverdale as a helpful citizen was help out taking care
of kids and telling them to do the right things. I helped out in the church helping out the teachers
there with all the kids. Also the boys and girls club helped me become a more patient person and
to always have a smile on your face because it makes life better.

Have you registered to vote? Why or why not?

Yes I have so If i decide to vote later on in life

What are some ways that you plan to be an active citizen of this town, state, and/or country in
your adult life?
I have been helping out in a non profitable business that makes me a volunteer helping out the
community with their kids when they are busy working or doing something else

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