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My daily routine

Hello, Good morning, my name is Anggie Lorena I´m a Sena apprentice, I study
administrative assistance in the morning, today I´m going to tell you about my daily

I often wake up very early at half past four in the morning, I leave my lunch and I
smooth my daughter's maggie uniform. Then I walk into the shower, brush, comb
and makeup. Never breakfast. and my boyfriend cristhian usually picks me up at
twenty five past five in the morning.

My first class at six in the morning, on Monday and Wednesday I see class with
instructor YULI VERJAN, on Tuesdays I`m in accounting class with instructor
LUISA TOLEDO, on Thursday I see class with Instructor BORIS Occupational
Health and instructor NADYA of english and ON Friday class of digitation with he
instructor NAYROBI. Usually I go out at twenty to eight resection. I carry my
breakfast. I between the class again at eight quarter past in the morning. I finish my
training at midday.

I have Lunch at half past twelve in the middle of the day, rice, chicken, plantain,
salad, beans and colombiana with my family, my mother bella, and my sister
camila, In the afternoon, Pick up to my daughter maggie of welfare at half past four
I do my apprentice ship work, wash my uniform.

At night my mom bella makes dinner sometimes it's eggs, rice and juice. At seven
in the evening I dine with my family and share with them. Finally my routine ends at
twenty to ten in the evening I go to bed. Until the other day.

On weekends I almost always get up very late, I make lunch for my family, I go to
the park with my daughter, and in the afternoon I hang out with my boyfriend
cristhian we arrive at night to the house we watch television and we go to sleep
very late.

Sunday I dedicate to rest end.

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