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Noel Studio Seminar
Fall 2019
What is expressivist pedagogy?
“Expressivism places the writer at the center of its theory and pedagogy, assigning
the highest value to the writer’s imaginative, psychological, social, and spiritual
development and how that development influences individual consciousness and
social behavior” (Chris Burnham and Rebecca Powell)

● Based in process pedagogy - attention to the recursive process behind

● As a movement, broke away from strict attention to correct grammar
● Focused on the writer as a person and their development
● Emphasizes invention and revision
● Ties in social element of a writing community
How can we use it?
Brainstorm common consulting scenarios in which students could use help
expressing themselves.
How can we use it?
Brainstorm common consulting scenarios in which students could use help
expressing themselves.

Pass your freewrite to another consultant, and continue to freewrite, perhaps with
solutions or similar experiences.
How can we use it?
Brainstorm common consulting scenarios in which students could use help
expressing themselves.

Pass your freewrite to another consultant, and continue to freewrite, perhaps with
solutions or similar experiences.

Pass the paper once more and continue to freewrite.

Invention strategies
● Inkshedding and freewriting
● Blindwriting
● Listing
● Mind mapping
● Tables or matrices
Other strategies
● Talk freely with students
● Encourage felt sense
● Read aloud to look for intonation
● What else?

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