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Basic Brewing Process

Main Ingredients: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast

Water must have specific pH level to improve quality of beer

Malt is any cereal grain, but mostly barley and malt. Malt give beer its flavor, color and body.

Lighter malt gives bready flavors, darker gives coffee and chocolaty flavors

1st step: Milling malt grain. In Abita Brew, they use “Wet Malt Milling” which releases sugar

2nd step: In mash tun, hot water and malt is combined where malt is broken down to sugars that the
yeast will eat later on. This goes for 2 hours to create a mixture called mash

3rd: in the water tongue? Tun? Which has a false bottom that acts as strainer that acts as filter for the
mash. The liquid is passed down, while the grains stay above. The liquid is now called “wort”

4th: in the kettle, wort is boiled and hops is added

5th: fermentation tanks where yeast is added. Yeast eats sugar and in the process releases alcohol and
carbon dioxide. 4-14 days

6th: beer is now put into conditioning tanks.

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