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Let’s look at the graphed circle bellow on the x-y plane:

…notice that there are no labels, first label the respected axis and at each x and y intercept add the correct coordinate
(assume the circle has a radius of 1). On the next page there are three triangles, follow the instructions and then come
back to this page once you finished.

Now, take your three triangles and add them to our graphed circle above so that the vertex of the right angle is at the
origin point (0,0), the vertex of one of the triangles is on the circumference (or edge) of the circle, and the last vertex is
on the x-axis or y-axis.

Something to notice about the last vertex, it can be either on the y or the x axis. However, this will not change the final
answer we are going to get too. Making this distinction now though and stick with whichever you choose.

Once that is completed, cut out the graph and glue it into your workbook. On the next page will be a few questions you
will answer as you go through the interactive active in GeoGebra. As you do, make notes and label the triangles to help
you answer questions or remind of important details later.
Label the triangles bellow the correct type (equilateral, isosceles, or scalene), as well as the angles for each triangle.
Once you are finish go ahead cut out each triangle and glue it to the graphed circle.
Before we start looking at the questions there a few equations we need first:

opposite adjacent oppostive

sin ( θ )= cosine ( θ ) = tan ( θ )=
hypontenus hypontenus adjacent
These three equations will help us determine either the angle or distance of the sides of a triangle. In this case, we will
be using them to figure coordinate points of the vertex that is on the circumference of each triangle. Since we know at
least one side of the triangle and the angle, we can calculate the hypotenuse for each triangle.

Go ahead and label your answers bellow on the triangles.

Now that we have all the sides, we can fix the vertex of each on our circle from
earlier. Now knowing what we know about the unit circle. What similarities do you see between theses three triangles
and the unit circle?

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