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Factorizing the Sum of Cubes

In this work sheet you will be determining the rule used for factorization of a sum of two cubes. By following these steps
in CAS, you will be able to factor a sum of two cubes. Let’s begin!

1. Understanding what “sum of two cubes is”? Write out a expression (using x and y, for example) as to what you
think the sum of two cubes is in the space provided. (Note: you can use any two variables, so long as they are

2. Using CAS. Input the expression you determined in 1 into CAS, when you input type factor and selected
polynomial (it will display the following: Factor( <polynomial> ). Then write your solution below. If it resembles a
polynomial, then you are on the right track!

3. Applying coefficients. Now let’s add some coefficients to our function created in step 1, make sure the
coefficients are cubic numbers (8, 64, 125). Enter your new function in the space bellow.

4. Prediction. Make a prediction, given what you observed and recorded in step 2, for what the possible
factorization of your function from step 3 might be.

5. Now use CAS. Plug in your expression to CAS and click factor button when ready. Does the factored form
resemble your prediction from 4? If not, why do you think it was off?

6. Determine the rule. Using what you learned in the pervious steps, develop a rule (formula) for factoring the sum
of two cubes. Use only two variables (x and y or a and b).

Here a few problems to practice. Not using CAS and only using the formula we determined from before. Factor each of
the expressions. Good luck!

1. 27𝑥 3 + 64𝑦 3 =

2. 2𝑥 3 + 128𝑦 3 =

3. 𝑥 3 + 125 =

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