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DP World employee fatally injured when struck by loose cargo whilst

accessing vessel hold during discharge operations

Part A Notification SOBBO-NC1-19-0103-1586

General Incident Details

Incident Date: 28/02/2019 Incident Time: 15:45 Actual Severity: 5 Potential Severity: 5

Region: MEA Business Unit: SOBBO - DP World Berbera Fatality: Y

Incident Summary Details

Location of Incident: Vessel - Other Vessel Equipment: Vessel

Incident Class: Fatality Incident Category: Safety

Description of Incident
At approximately 1545hrs on the 28th February during discharge operations aboard vessel MV Capt Khaldoun, a DP World employee who
was returning to the hold through a permanent access ladder was struck by loose cargo (50kg cement bag) which had come adrift from the
primary pre slung load. Subsequently the DP World employee fell approximately 2 metres from the ladder to the tween deck surface. The DP
World employee was pronounced deceased at the incident location and was transferred from the vessel to the regional hospital mortuary. An
investigation is underway.

Immediate Action Taken

Vessel operations were ceased. Checks were undertaken of the remaining pre slung cargo, the vessel lifting appliances and DP World loose
lifting gear. Operations were recommenced at 0600 1st March.

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Part A Submission Details

Initially Initially Reported On:
Leslie Bolstad Jason Pratt 01/03/2019
Reported by: Reported to:

Awaiting GSE Sign-off

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