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Portfolio 2018-19

Work Experience Outside of School

Describe the job(s) you have participated in outside of school.

● Busser: I take waters,drinks, and food to the people that are eating. I also clean up after
the people once they have left.
● Vineyard worker: I have pruned, harvested, planted, pulled out old/dead plants and many
other jobs that are required in a vineyard,

If this is a regular job, on average, how many hours do you work each week?
Bussing is a regular job since I work in the summer and once school starts. At the moment I am
currently working around 13-15 hours a week.

If this is an occasional job, how many hours do you estimate you have spent doing this activity?
Currently working in the vineyards is just an occasional job because I can only work on
saturdays. I can only work saturdays because Monday-Friday I am at school. I only work 8-9
hours a week depending on what time the workers want to leave. Although during the summer,
this is a regular job because i work from 50-60 hours a week.

Do you enjoy the work that you have done so far? Why or why not?
I do enjoy the work I have done outside of school because I like working for my own things. I
also being reliable for myself. It also shows that you are responsible and a hard worker.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use in
your work?
I have definitely needed communication and teamwork and collaboration. Those are the 2 main
ones I have used working as a busser working in a restaurant. Working in the vineyards I have
used more skills such as comfort with diversity and ability to follow directions. If you can’t
follow the directions then you will be doing the whole job wrong.
Portfolio 2018-19

What have learned about yourself so far by doing this kind of work?
What i have learned about myself doing this work is that I can really work well with others and
that I'm not scared to do something new. Since we’re always doing different things to the
vineyards, we have to learn the new task really quick. Being a busser I learned that I can really
work with other people and I can communicate with them really good.

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