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Smith 1

Lauryn Smith


British Literature 4B

11 March 2019

Research Questions

1. How can abuse affect a child’s brain development?

Abuse can cause traumatic stunts in growth (psychically),and affect the child’s

behavior permanently ( amygdala is located close to the hippocampus, in the frontal portion of the

temporal lobe),

2. How are men affected by abuse?

The statics show that men are more likely to abuse women, however, there are many

cases that justify men being abused. Normally the ways that men are abused are

financially, this affects their self-esteem and their pride and dignity.

3. What are some of the signs of abuse?

Insults you or puts you down

Stops you from seeing family members or friends

Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear

Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful

Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets

4. What does CDV stand for?

Child Domestic Violence

5. Why does the media advertise woman abuse more than men?
Smith 2

Because Women were more susceptible to abuse in the past, this is drawn from historical events

An example of women being protected by the law would be, Wife-beating made illegal in all states of the

United States by 1920. This was do to the works of feminists such as Sojourner Truth ,Rosa Parks ,and

Dorothy Heights (just to name a few). Women weren’t always protected by the law so they had to carve

their own ways, such as in the 1800’s the temperance movement happened which is a social movement

against the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The reason for this abuse is because women were abused

physically, emotionally, and mentally by their husbands who would drink and then abuse or batter them.

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