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Samuel Tetreault

6 april 1995
1800 Saint-Thomas app. 508 J4P 2B9
Le Moyne, Quebec, Canada

Scholar formation
Scholar formation in high school finished in 2012
Study dramatical arts at Cegep Edouard-Montpetit (2014-16)
-How to play, to use our body, body language, work on projection without shouting but also
creating costume, background, lightwork, make-up, directing a play
Study bartending at ITHQ in Montreal (2017)
-How to prepare cocktail, work on the presentation, creation of cocktail and creation of wine
and beer

Electrician at Regulvar Tec. (summer 2012-13)
-Creating climatization control board for hospital, school, etc.
Operator, Supervisor then Organisator at Proludik Inc. (Inflatable games company) (2013-18)
-Taking inflatable games from the warehouse and go to festivals, school, working place, and
everywhere the clients wants them, install them and operate them until the end of the day.
Sometimes for 2-3 days, even a week, so living in hostels. It creates a great team and friends in
the long-term and helps increasing the amounts of work doable in a day. It is also working a lot
with the clients, parents but mostly the children because most of the time we have to work
with them. It infuse patience, good smilling-attitude all day long and a lot of respect towards
Doing the dishes then Hosting and Runner, then Barista and waiter at Juliette et Chocolat
-Doing the dishes, welcoming the clients at the entrance of the restaurant and taking plates
out of the table and cleaning the table, bring the foods at each table, preparing beverages like
coffee, cappuccino, mokaccino, smoothie and milkshake but also putting on a plate brownies
and other small treat and finally creating a contact with the client, taking their order, bring
their order, assuring that everything is how they want and finally making them pay and make
sure that they will come back soon.

Community work
Work in a bakery as a learning student for the summer of 2009
Working in a food bank almost each Friday of 2009

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