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September 11 Attacks

G: Also referred to as 9/11. Has anyone heard about this? The September 11 Attacks were
a serie of four terrorist attacks by the Islamic Terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United
States of America on September 11, 2001. On that morning, Americans were punished for
these illegal and outrageous crimes.
S: American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were the first to be hijacked
and crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The third
plane of American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia and the fourth
plane of United Airlines Flight 93 hit an open field in Pennsylvania. The terrorist group led
by Osama bin Laden got away with this crime.
G: 3016 people died. After the crimes had been made, the United Nations condemned
these attacks as one of the worst in the 21st century.

S: There were more than 6000 people missing. The United States became a conflict point
of political and religious ideas after the U.S had been attacked by troublemakers.

G: Many people who worked at World Trade Center were workers that invested in the
stock market. Some of them were inmigrants. They decided to emigrate from another
countries to New York City to have more opportunities, so they had to start from scratch.
S: This black day for the United States was a terrible new to the Americas. Many extended
families lost a member from their family.
G: Oh, yes. American and bicultural families were nervous about losing a parent or a son.
They felt bewildered during hours.

S: Unfortunately, by the time the firemen arrived at Twins towers, the Twins towers had
collapsed. Firemen hoped to save lives. A lot of them were tired of picking up big pieces of
cement and stones from twins towers.

G: After 18 years, World's people ask yourself What if this attack was a first of many?
Americans work on making to New York in a peaceful city. In this moment, there is a
monument with the names of the people who died that day.

S: Yes. However, United Nations works every day to punish the terrorists. This organism is
plan on fighting to illegal groups. These groups are responsible that many people die in
the last years.

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