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So what other factors, Kathleen, did you find?

What other factors?

What goes on at the school.
And this is particularly referencing what's
going on at school with reference to the child
and to the parent's sense of being invited to come into the school
and engage as a real person who needs to be respected,
thank you, with teachers and others in the school about how is my child doing.
And the first thing that we looked at that is very important
is what we call general invitations from the school,
to come and be in the school, to create things
that you've talked about in your work.
Here's a room.
This is a parent room.
It's right next to the school office.
You can come in and talk with the vice principal, the principal.
Schools are a place that are meant to be open to the family.
One of the schools we did some remarkable research, I mean,
they were remarkable.
And our research was just so much fun in that school,
is a school that serves a relatively poor part of town.
And the principal was marvelous.
I mean, you walk in the door, and the door
has the, press the buzzer and someone will admit you.
You walk into some schools and you feel, Lord, I'm entering a jail.
And I don't belong here.
In this school, you saw a person who knew you were buzzing,
who looked up, smiled, pushed the buzzer,
and when you want through the door said, good morning.
We're glad to see you.
How can I help you?
I mean, that was it.
And that was the principal saying, that's
what we're going to be for our families.
So you're really describing a place where
they did take care of the security.
But they also made sure that the families felt this sense of invitation
and welcome.
Another thing that we found is that in that category, things
that schools can do, teachers can add to homework a question for your parent
to answer tonight.
An easy question, and not one that's going
to be hard for a parent to answer.
Fundamentally, it's also acknowledging to the parent,
you have something to say about what we're learning now.
And that's important.
So it's a reciprocity.
It's that the teacher is sending a signal that you are invited
in this process of supporting learning.
But the teacher is now also learning something
about the family and the child to help with their own pedagogy.

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