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[ser what and Ele: Peisoponassnases fe it » Known today as “iy > = lan Fertile Gescent® i People stopped gathering food y ay bo farm and clomesticate animals = ‘Civilization “=p 3B Ws + Commanities became oo Money stacted to replace traditional system of exchange See oon A “Developed systems of gods TTP nating ite A Pumans and gods ey a «. “Developed —_Cunei form wetting’ —1mpoctaat aut i edge shaped Telters carve inte wer dey —jmportart dake Say Soctety ' 5 Memory I i hen Qe oS. ad _ Belbre te Selle, S Cheist 7 . — ‘OD, APRICA f9). hexwan § fe) DeseRT Od Babylonian | Feed zo da Kings t Waders of | of panetente > Seen as Cepresentatives of 2 gods. io foinal system of appointment of lerngs extsked. & group of gode. # Mesopotamians belied ma large variety of pantheon of god *Each Ged represented one pete creative and detractive forces of nature Each city was controllech ce Goa (ged protected tec city a *Mfterlife = World undurneath ta sarface oF & earth? No pacdise fi eso =), Art Materials AB —Meso ct amian actists transerred shils from generat gettin ae Soe ipian > highly shilled crateemen, f oer kaos 6 ee ® CLAY —v used Gr buildings Devable Teel stones ~ Gemstone had fo meikee Grice Dark eck NP tiene blue. RA), ee ine He crane a TTEMELINE i Prehistoric Period ~ 0008 #390066 Early, Dynastic Pood 200% 28 WBC Aldcedinn Period ~ 240080 Neo~Sum értan Period ~ 2112 W1600BC

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