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Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer, politician and Indian thinker of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries (born October 2, 1869 and died on January 30, 1948) known
mainly for claiming and conducting India's independence through non-violent
methods .

Ironically, Gandhi died in the violence he fought so hard. He was 79 years old
when, in 1948, a Hindu fanatic killed him in New Delhi. But his legacy went around
the world and has been inspiration for characters of the caliber of Martin Luther
King, Dalai Lama and Albert Einstein.


Gandhi and his wife Kasturbá traveled throughout India. He maintained a copious
correspondence with different characters in this country and continued
experimenting with his diet and deepening his knowledge on religion and

Philosophy, but above all, focused attention on politics. Bapu, as they

affectionately called him, lived without material possessions


Strict routine combining vegetarian eating with abstinence from sexual



Writing works as messages to mankind


• He liked to be called Bapu ("" Father ""), which is an expression, both

affectionate and respectful.” Spiritual peace

What did not please

• Injustice

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