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Kate Shaffer


English 10H

6 May 2019

Words Kill Wars

The image, ‘Words Kill Wars’ is being used to describe the idea that words can be more

powerful than weapons. The ideology behind this is that words can have a more significant

impact on people than weapons and that the power of speech is so great it can potentially stop

wars or conflict. I would challenge this statement because although in a perfect world this could

be true I think that weapons are stronger. If a country were to be completely bombed and

devastated by a war the odds of a single speech stopping the destruction and making them feel

safe again is very unlikely. Today, for example, there are wars and huge conflicts all over the

Middle East and the US has been trying everything in its power to stop it. But with all the

violence that is going on even if people tried to make a difference by giving a speech it wouldn’t

make a significant impact. Although I would love to say this is true, I just don’t think it is

realistic in modern times.

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