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Green cheeked conures are native to the forests of South America and this is what they need.

The cage of a Green Cheeked Conure needs to be big enough for feeding bowls and water. The cage
should be at least 2x their wing span. There should enough room to do their games and activities. Since
they are active by nature, they will need space to hang from the ceiling. The food that green cheeked
conures are fed should change frequently. they can eat healthy pellets. fruits (without seeds). Other
foods they eat are seeds like sunflower, hemp, and safflower. They love these seeds because these
seeds are naturally found in the Environment, they live in.

The exercise that green cheeked conures need is to have at least two hours out of the cage to
play and fly to substitute for the flying thousands of miles that their cousins do in the wild. Another
thing that is healthy is artificial sunlight and filters for the air conditioning. If you want to train your
green cheeked conure they can do a lot of tricks like turnaround, climbing up ropes, flying and receiving
objects, and so on. Green cheeked conures can also do simple things like opening their wings and
dancing, etc.

In the wild green cheeks live and sleep in nests inside tree trunks. To imitate that you can give
them a bird bed or a wooden nest. If you want to make a nest yourself, you can have a simple carboard
box with the dimension 15 by 15.

If you see changes in your bird like they sleep with both feet or their poop is different they could
be sick. Another way to see is that they could be eating a lot and still be hungry. If this happens, they
could have a disease were no matter how much they eat they will still be hungry, and they will slowly
starve to death. Green cheeks can get a disease were their feathers stop growing are quite common
among the conures.

Green cheeked conures are very interesting and I am excited to be working with them.

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