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There is a disagreement with two students on how many planets are in the solar system.

Student A
claims there are 8 planets and Student B claims there are 12 planets. What is some evidence to support
each claim?
a. student a is correct if you don’t count dwarf planets. If you do count dwarf planets student b is
2. On which planet would you weigh the least? What is your evidence to prove this?
a. Answer: you would way the least on mercury and mars but barely mars. This is because it has
the lowest mass and mass is what gives us weight.

How does the mass of our planet compare to the other inner planets?

b. Earth is the most massive of the inner planets.

3. Dr. Grumbles claims that it is colder during the winter because Earth is farther from the sun.
Provide evidence to prove him right or wrong?
a. Dr.grumbles is not correct. The cause of seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth.

4. How does the path of the sun in the sky change during seasons?
A. the path of the sun is shorter in winter and longer in summer.
5. How would seasons on Uranus be different from Earth?
a. The tilt is so much that seasons are extreme. No sunlight in autumn and no darkness on spring.

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