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Scot Vaillancourt

Mrs. Neff/Wold


22 January 2019

Integrity Essay

My life can be best described as a piece of sheet music because it's full of highs and lows,

flats and sharps, it can either be fast or slow and to most people, very hard to read. I like to base

my integrity off a Treble Clef, because without, the music falls apart. Throughout my life, i've

learned from my family and my peers that integrity is important, and that without it, you have no

sense of morality or conscience. Without my Treble Clef, where would i be in life?

The Treble Clef symbolizes the beginning of every staff on a piece of sheet music, and

it's the structure of every staff. I often like to believe that the “treble clef” in my life is the music

i listen to. I base every day off the music i listen to, i walk to the tempo, i dance to the beat, i lip

sync the lyrics, even if i can't understand them, In other words i'm always moving differently

than everyone else.Ever since i got into music, my life's been on such a more positive

wavelength. A couple years ago i was in a bad place, and i listened to depressing music to drown

my sorrows, But as i got more and more into music itself, i discovered that music can make you

feel happy. Music has helped me become the person i am today, the positive person who seems

like they don't have a care in the world. I guess you can say i live my life one beat at a time

My style isn't really something that i use to define my self with. But if i were to compare

to anything i would have to compare to a sharp and flat sign. The sharp and flat symbols allow a

note to change in pitch, whether it be higher or lower. My style is much like that where it can be

either be really good one day, or really bad the other day. But like i said i don't really use my

style as something that defines who i am. In fact my lack of style is what defines who i am, and i

wouldn’t change anything about it.

My strength is what keeps me going, and it keeps be marching on towards tomorrow. My

strength is compared to the tempo of a song. The tempo of song is the very speed of which it

goes. My strength comes directly from the people who support me and look out for me. Not to

mention that my music helps me through each and every day,and without it id be lost .

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