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Molly Pardun

Professor Arini

English 102

16 January 2019

How Rhetoric Affects Me Daily

Tuesday morning, I happened to wake up extremely early before my alarm went off so I

decided to autoplay music videos on Youtube while I got an early start on getting ready for the

day. I noticed a theme throughout a few of the videos. If the song was by a girl it seemed to

center around her falling for an unobtainable good looking man and if the song was by a man it

was the other way around as well. I thought that was a little corny but once I really watched them

it seemed they wanted to attach a feeling to their songs and provoke people to feel something

whenever they heard it again and want to keep listening. One example of this is Girlfriend by

Avril Lavigne where the artist is trying to convince the boy she likes to leave his girlfriend for

her. Afterwards, I was presented with an ad before one video that caught my attention. I decided

to click the link and it was for the all new Apple iPad. The video on their website said it was all

new and improved and much more efficient than before. It was very clearly trying to sell the iPad

by bragging of how much better it was than the older generations. Another ad I was given on

Youtube was a trailer for the new movie, Glass. The trailer seemed to be trying to explain the

whole premise of the movie and it’s prequels within just a few minutes and it did a good job in

getting the viewers to want to go and see the movie to see how the story wraps up.

I still had some time until I had to go to work so I went on Twitter and I saw a bunch of

funny tweets among promotions and memes. One promotional tweet I noticed that was
interesting was a tweet by Dolly Parton. It was promoting her movie soundtrack for a new movie

coming out and promoting the movie itself and how much she enjoyed her time with the cast and

crew. Then, I saw a tweet with a link to a Jimmy Fallon video saying to watch his show tonight

to hear his funny story about him on a zipline. The video seemed to just be promotional and a

way of him to show thanks to some people. It seems that a lot of these examples of rhetoric are

for self promotion or a public service announcement. I found it interesting that just within a few

hours of my morning I had already experienced a handful of rhetoric in all means of media.

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