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AET Lesson #2 – Planning your SAE

1. After creating your demo experiences, make your way to your Project/Experience Manager (SAE)
2. Click on the pencil in the column called Planning

3. There are multiple tabs in the planning section that need filled out COMPLETELY and IN DETAIL.
a. Fill out every section according to the suggestions provided. You do not need to include every detail, just
the relevant ones.
b. There is a spell check space at the bottom of the page
4. When you begin to complete the learning outcomes, select 3 skills you plan on learning through this experience.
a. You will click the “+” button in the left hand corner of the box to add a new skill
b. Proceed to the first drop down menu to find the area the skill fits into
i. You will have to click through several subcategories by clicking on the “+” button, narrowing
down the skill, until you reach the final skill. Then click on the skill.
ii. Add planned activities that you can use to accomplish this skill.
1. Could be activities like a meat quality assurance class, shadowing a vet, etc.

5. Once you have added 3 skills and have completed ALL sections of the planning click “Save All and Return”

Check List:

Sections are completed and include relevant details that are important to planning the SAE _____

Includes a Minimum of 3 skills in the learning outcomes section _____

Skills are relevant to the SAE _____

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