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iygk hl llhlhiphg gg kgk Uploading documents

Katy O.
Sunday at 01:36


 Uploading a new document

 Uploading a revision to an existing document

Uploading a new document

On Scribd, anyone can be a published author! And publishing documents
on Scribd is a breeze. You'll find the Upload button at the top of almost
every page on Scribd. Be sure you're logged into Scribd, then click it to

You can quickly publish single or multiple documents, and bonus! You can
upload your documents in multiple file formats as well as cloud-based files
from Google docs, Facebook and Gmail too! We accept a lot of formats to
make it easy on our members to publish their hard work.

(The file formats we support are: pdf, txt, ps, rtf, epub, key, odt, odp, ods,
odg, odf, sxw, sxc, sxi, sxd, doc, ppt, pps, xls, docx, pptx, ppsx, xlsx)

Once you upload a file, it will automatically begin converting. The technical
maximum for the file size we accept is 100MB but documents under 75MB
have a significantly higher chance of a successful conversion, so please be
sure to stay under 75MB so your documents convert correctly.

Once it's uploaded and converted, it's time to tell us more about it!
The title and description fields are required before it'll fully display on your
profile. Here's where you get the opportunity to create an engaging title and
a short, concise description to catch a reader's interest! Include as much
information about your document as possible - it'll help people to find your
work and want to read it. If you would like to make the document private
instead of publicly available to the readers on Scribd, click the checkbox
under the description field next to "Make this document private".

In addition to the title information, clicking on "Advanced Settings" will show

additional options. Here, you can choose whether you'd like to give other
members the ability to copy and paste text from your document as well as
the option to download it directly to their computer. When everything is just
how you want it, click on the "Done" button and you'll be taken to a page
where you can click on the "View" button to view your newly published
document on Scribd, and a link to view all of your uploads.

Congratulations! You’ve just successfully published your document on

Scribd. Now, go out there, get to work and start publishing more.

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