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Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio

Summative Citizenship Reflection

Reflect on your four years of community service. In a thoughtful paragraph, discuss what you
did, what you learned about yourself, the value of community service, future careers or interests,
collaboration, workplace environments, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, and/or how the experience
of community service has impacted you.
In the past four years, the community service I’ve done is from everything. In freshman
year, I tutored middle schoolers in math. In sophomore year I participated in Key Club
and earned 89 hours of community service hours working multiple events and projects. In
junior year, I was still in Key Club but I stepped up to be club treasurer, and along with
that, entered a poster in a Cali-Nev-Ha wide poster competition and was one of the few
that won. This year I completed hours by making the CHS Athletics website for Mr.
My community service hours all revolved around things I like, such as math and art. This
way, my community service hours didn’t feel long and gruesome, and instead felt
enjoyable. Throughout my four years of community service in the community, I learned
that I really like computers and would like to study them in college, and would like to
work with them as a career.

Have you registered to vote? Why or why not?

I have registered to vote so I can have a voice for myself and my family, a majority of
whom aren’t citizens and can’t vote.

What are some ways that you plan to be an active citizen of this town, state, and/or the country in
your adult life?
In the future, I plan to be active by helping kids and adults acquire the tech skills they
should have in order to be one step ahead of everyone else. I want to have my own tech
company that doesn’t just do tech, but also finds ways to help the environment and give
back to the community.

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