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Facilitating Krista

“My Philosophy of Education”

I believe that the young children of our communities are the cornerstone from which our

future will be built on. I look forward to becoming that adult role model in their lives to help

guide them through their education to become and achieve goals that they set out to accomplish

in life. All students have the potential to bring a unique attribute to the world. It is my desire to

create a type of environment where students can meet their full potential.

My desire to become a second-grade teacher is to see the students succeed in minor or

major accomplishments at school and in the community. I want to make a difference in their

lives like teachers have done for me in the past. Mrs. Swanson, my second-grade teacher,

uplifted my excitement and joy for learning at a young age when I started to struggle in school.

Her motivation and encouragement inspired me to become a teacher because I loved her teaching

style. Mrs. Swanson was a facilitator who promoted self-learning with answers and solutions

through exploration. My teaching style embodies the role of facilitator for student success. I want

to challenge my students to develop critical thinking and retain important knowledge that leads

to self-fulfillment. I believe that this method of teaching creates enthusiasm on the students’ part

and encourages them to become engaged in the learning process.

Furthermore, education is very important to our society. In school, students learn social

skills, how to behave with others, school culture, and tools needed for their future. If individuals

are not educated, then they do not have the skills needed to be successful in every day society.

School is a place for students to learn and develop skills for their future. Students must feel that

they matter and that their views are taken into consideration; therefore, it is essential that faculty,
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parents, and the school community work together to create a productive and collaborative

learning environment.

Students role in their own education is being ready to participate and learn. A student is

expected to be involved in interactions with teachers and students in any class discussions.

Student’s responsibility is assignments, active participation, positive attitude, and willingness to

learn. By giving students clear expectations, they can strive to meet them every day. I will ensure

my students are actively engaged in learning experiences by asking a lot of questions. When

engagement is lacking, I plan to communicate my expectations to the student and the parents. It

is the student’s responsibility to be active listeners and learners.

A teacher should drive the students to want to learn and not have to learn. I will present

them with a safe and organized environment to facilitate learning. I will not give up on the

students who are struggling and be there for them socially and emotionally. Teachers act as

guides, mediators, consultants, instructors, and advocates for the students. I will vary my

teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies. These

styles can include, cooperative learning groups, participate with book clubs, use student-directed

discussion groups, and speak in ways that meet the comprehension and language development

needs of all students. I will foster independent learning and model what is to be expected of the

students. In my class, I will provide specific and meaningful positive feedback and

encouragement to my students as it is important to me that my students build up their confidence

and develop intrinsic motivation.

With regards to, the diversities of students today, I will embrace the difference of what

makes each person unique, physically or culturally. Bringing the student’s home values into the

school with open arms will give them a sense of home away from home. I will learn about
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students’ cultures by incorporating their traditions and aspects of their culture into the classroom.

My desire is to bring artifacts from home that reflect their culture or invite the parents into the

classroom to inform other students about their culture. My classroom will focus on an organized

and safe environment. I will strategically place furniture, learning centers, and materials to

optimize student learning and reduce distractions. By providing the students with clear

expectations about my classroom, the students will be more actively involved in learning. When

addressing classroom management, I will have my students take part in creating the classroom

expectations. By adding posters up around my classroom, it will create a constant visual

reminder for my students.

In addition, using technology in the classroom allows the students to utilize different

programs that can be geared at different learning styles. There are millions of education

apps/programs that students can help stay engaged. Technology transforms the learning

experience and allows them to have access to new opportunities. I will include E-books into my

daily activities to allow students the option to read on the smart board which engages students

and creates active learners. Technology also facilitates peer collaboration. The students can work

together on a project even if they are not in the same room. This gives students the option to

collaborate just like they will in their careers.

In conclusion, I am responsible for providing young children with positive learning

experiences. As a dedicated teacher, I will ensure to never give up on a student, because every

student can learn. I believe our students are our future. Every individual’s brain works a little

different, and that’s why I believe that teaching multiple strategies will only enhance the learning

within my classroom. My philosophy of education is that all children are capable of learning

when placed in a positive, stimulating, and educational learning environment.

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