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The results of the Riskesdas Kemenkes RI (2018) state that the number of stroke in Indonesia has

increased from 7 per mile to 10.9 per mile. Based on medical record data from RSUD dr. Soekardjo
Tasikmalaya in 2018, the number of stroke patients is 555 people, and 386 of them is ischemic stroke.
The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to provide an overview of the implementation of nursing
care to clients with neurological system disorders due to ischemic stroke in Tasikmalaya. Ischemic stroke
is a case that occurs as the effect of blockage of the bloodstream so that the bloodstream to the brain
system is decreases or even stops due to embolism or thrombosis which is suddently often occurs during
rest or during light activities. The data collection techniques used is interview, observation,
documentation study, and physical examination techniques. Nursing diagnoses that arise based on the
priority of problems in Mrs. H it is: The risk of ineffective of the brain perfusion system, excess the
volume of fluid, the obstacles to physical mobility and self-care deficits. All problem are only partially
resolved for 3 days treatment. The conclusion obtained are that nursing care can be provided
comprehensively involve biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects through the process of
nursing care stages: assessment, intervention, implementation and evaluation. The provision of nursing
care to infarction stroke clients as much as possible is done according to the theoretical review and
standar operating system, although in practice the author gets obstacles to adjust the conditions and
responses of the client and family, facilities and infrastructure, and the time practice in the field. In
providing nursing care, the service should be given in a prime and professional manner to achieve
maximum goals.

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