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NHMC, NEW DELHIMD (Hom.) Entrance 2013 /_579 6 NHMC, NEW DELHI MD (HOM) ENTRANCE 2013 Which of the following in not an unpaired ventral branch of abdominal aorta? a. Coeliac artery! trunk », Superior mesenteric artery 6. Inferior masenteric artery 4d. Splenic artery Branch of the posterior cord of brachial plexus are all of the following, except: a. Upper subscapularnerve », Lower subscapularnerve ©. Ulnar nerve d. Radialnerve Which of the following is not a content of femoral sheath? a. Femoral artery b, Femoral vein ©. Femoral nerve 4. Lymph node Structure passing through the superior orbital fissure are all of the following, except: a. Ophthalmic artery bb. Ophthalmic veins ©. Branches of ophthalmic nerve 4. Trochlear nerve Which of the following veins does not drain into inferior venacava? 2) Right renal vein b) Lett renal vein ©) Right suprarenal vein 4) Left suprarenal vein The term “relative lymphocytosis” referred to: a) Increase in lymphocytes 'b) Lymphocytes are more than neutrophils in children €) Increase in lymphocytes in response to chronic infection 4d) Lymphatic leukaemia After injury to a nerve, its al impulse is lost completely: a) Immediately b) After 24 hours ©) Alter 3° day d) Alter 5* day Maximum filling of the ventricles takes place during which phase of the cardiac cycle: a) Protodiastole ») Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation phase 6) Ventricular diastole proper d) Last rapid filing phase due to atrial systole 10. 1 12, 13, 14. 15, 16. 1d, 2-6. 3-0. 4-8. 5-d. 6b. 7-4. 8-6. 9d, 10-2, False statement regarding goiter: a) Itis simply the enlargement of thyroid gland ) Does not denote functional status of thyroid gland ©) Prolonged TSH secretion may produce it d) Associated with increased thyroid hormones secretion Hair growth in either sex at puberty is due to: a) Androgens b) Growth hormones 6) Insulin 4) Oestrogen in female Steatorrhoea is of severe intensity if to: a) Liverinsutficiency b) Biliary obstruction 6) Destruction of exocrine portion of pancreas 4) Malabsorption syndrome Which of the following amino acids does not contain sulphur? a) Cysteine b) Threonine ¢) Methionine ¢) None ofthe above In human erythrocytes, the end product of glycolysis: a) Pyruvate b) Lactate ©) Acetate 0) Citrate Which of the following tests is performed to detect the presence of ketone bodies in the urine? a) Hay's sulphur test b) Benedict's test ©) Benzidine test ¢) Rothere'’s test Protein energy malnutrition leads to the: a) Kwashiorkor ) Albinisen ©) Tay - Sach’s disease 6) Marasmus All the following can cause fatty change of the liver, except: a) Alcohol byCCL, ©) Hypoxia 4) Bacterial infection Is due 11-0. 12-p, 13-b, 14-0. 15-4, 16-4, 580 / KAIZEN (Continuous Improvement) 17. Granulomas are seen in all diseases, except: a)7B b) Sarcoidosis ¢) Syphilis d) Ulcerative colitis 18. Megaloblasts in the bone marrow are seen in deficiency of: a) Iron b) Folate o) Zine d) Allofthe above 19. The most common cause of chronic gastritis: a) Alcohol b) initants to mucosa ©) Infection with H. pylori 4) Psychologie stress 20. Type | diabetes mellitus is characterized by all of the following, except: a) Autoimmune & call destruction ) Occurrence in younger patients ©) Insulin resistance d) Absolute deficioncy of insulin 21. Which of the following hepatitis viruses is transmited by faeco-oral route? a) HAV b) HEV o)HCV HOV 22, The most common organ involved In extra- intestinal amoebiasis is: a) Liver b) Lung ©) Brain 4) Spleen 23, The technique of sterilization were introduced a) Louis Pasteur ) Robert Koch ) Ferdinand Kohn d) John Needham 24. Which of the following sites is most commonly affected by diphtheria bacilli? a) Skin b)Comea ) Conjunctiva 4d) Upper respiratory tract 25. Which of the following microbial agents may cause aseptic meningitis in Immune- compromised hosts? a) Escherichia coli b) Haemophilus infunzea ¢) Cryptococcus neoformans d) Streptococcus pneumonia 26, Infirearm wound, tattooing is caused by: a) Smoke b) Projectile ) Partly burnt and unburnt powder 6) Grease present on the surtace of the projectito 27. Which of the following is NOT a grievous hurt? 2) Emasculation ») Fracture of tooth ) Privation of a member or @ joint

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