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Hotel Supreme was owned by Peter Ng a Chinese citizen living in the

Philippines, growing up at the age of 20 he was seeking different works he could
apply on to earn money. He did not only pursue on finding jobs but he went on
schooling to wherein he graduated as a doctor and marketing commerce graduate.

With some savings through all the jobs he worked on he returned at Baguio
City and bought a taxi where he himself drives. On his driving he experienced a lot
like passengers like gun-toting policeman, a nervous holdup man, unfaithful
husband and wives, an aggressive gay, drunk man, and a sexy woman who put one
over him. After a few years he established a taxi company. Six more units were
added and drivers were hired. But running a taxi company was not easy either. He
once had to look for a taxi driver who went to Pangasinan, got drunk and figured in
a collision.

Ng figured it would be much better if he invested on something not mobile,

which he could readily oversee. Even without any experience, he went into the hotel
business. In 1980, he become part owner and general manager of a hotel. It was at
this point he begin to set goals for himself. Before he reached 30, he would have at
least a million pesos.

Lots of obstacles are on his way but still he pursued to have his own hotel. A
vacant lot near his family rented apartment at Magsaysay Avenue full of bushes,
wild flowers, grasses and weeds were bought by him. His friends were so pessimistic
and did not support him but with foresight Ng knew better.

Through careful planning, hard work, perseverance and the full support of
his wife, “I took the big risk and without knowing it, we were able to set up what is
known today as Hotel Supreme Phase L”Ng says. That was 1989 and he was barely

But even before Ng could pay his bank loans, a killer earthquake devastated
Baguio and the rest of Northern Luzon. The tourism industry teetered following the
quake, which fluttered Hyatt and other bigger hotels in the city.

Fortunately, the four stories, three-star Hotel Supreme still stood. It

absorbed all the visitors who began to trickle it and become a favorite venue for
seminars and conventions not only but weddings and other occasions.

Ng continued dreaming. He thought of expanding with the Hotel Supreme

Phase II before he reached 40. It becomes a reality. The new hotel has more rooms,
outlets and spacious rooms, swimming pool and spa.

Through all the learning he had from his father he was able to reach his
dreams in life. Learning from his father’s mistake, Ng put forth one principle.
“Always listen to the elders” advise these will save you from a lot of problem.

He has three other secrets:

•Always learn from mistakes

•Talk less and work more

• A devout Christian who has found inner strength in his faith in times of
despair, Ng has read the success stories of other Chinese-Filipino and other “how-
to” secrets.

But he found one thing surely missing in their success formula. Acknowledge
of God’s role and giving back to God what is due Him.

A father of four, Ng is also unique in his way. He does not believe in feng
shui. When a Chinese feng shui reader told him that his hotel were not properly
built in prescribed, Ng politely told him that the secrets of his success did not lie on
feng shui but hard work, a strong will and determination.

And “above all, a deep faith in God”, he said.

“The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce
back from failure”

“Success does not lie in Results, but in Efforts.

Being the Best is not so Important, Doing the Best is all that

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