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Chang 1

JaJa Chang
Senora Newman-Cornell
Spanish III (Periodo 1)
24 de Augusto de 2018
Spanish III Goals
Taking Spanish 3 was a confident decision I made in May of sophomore year because of
the encouragement I gained from my brothers and peers. My brother, an aspiring teacher, urged
me to take Spanish 3 to better my social connection with people of all backgrounds, especially
when it comes to an education environment. To me, Spanish is an intriguing language because of
how similar it is to English, particularly in the writing department. I found it would be easier to
pursue a language that connects with English unlike any other language. In addition, Spanish is a
growing language in the United States, meaning that the majority of U.S. citizens may prefer
speaking in Spanish. Honestly, I find it entertaining when I can read or listen to Spanish in public
because it brings a sense of pride to my esteem. Overall, I believe that with the increase of
Spanish speakers, learning Spanish or even understanding the culture will open up opportunities
for me.
Since this will be my third year of Spanish, I plan on advancing far in my writing,
reading, auditory skills in order to qualify for AP Spanish Language. During Spanish 1, I have
learned that I struggle with conjugation of verbs to fit specific pronouns. It has always baffled
me as to how native Spanish speakers are able to quickly conjugate verbs so, it has been my goal
to be better at mentally conjugating common verbs. Another goal is to familiarize myself with
imperfect and preterite tenses because I felt like I did not pay all of my attention on those tenses
in Spanish 2. Also, I would like to practice the correct use of both imperfect and preterite tense
depending on the writing prompt or situation. Ultimately, my goals will be achievable, but I will
have to work diligently in order to reach the goals by the end of Spanish 3.  
​Once passing Spanish 3, my use of Spanish will be more frequent in everyday activities
and possibly in my future career. This past year, I have encountered many native Spanish
speakers in San Diego and even new friends within the school district. With an increase of
self-confidence, I will attempt to communicate to them in Spanish and talk about what I have
learned in my previous Spanish classes. Another way I plan on using Spanish is in my career as a
teacher because there are many times where parents may not be able to speak in English, making
it confusing to comprehend how well their child is doing in school. I want to be able to connect
to parents and students of the Hispanic background, who may struggle connecting with
education. While my long term goals range from the simplistic use of daily communication to
explaining the proficiency of one student’s education, connection with the Spanish culture and
people are my main motive to pursue learning the Spanish arts.

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