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Gavin Babcock

Mrs. Cramer



Self evaluation

Overall throughout the school year, I have learned a lot of important lessons in Comp.

This will be very helpful because I can apply all these things to college work to get good grades.

Most things I have learned pertain to revising essays that I created to make them better and as

perfect as I can get them. This also makes an essay look more professional because there is very

few mistakes.

Here's a list in order of how one should revise and proofread an essay.

1. Grammar and spelling

2. Read paper out loud

3. Check first word to make sure start of sentence isn’t always repetitive

4. Check subjects and verbs

5. Check punctuation

6. Thesis and topic sentences

7. Check for tone and voice

8. Check outline and do a reverse outline to fill in missing information

9. Check Citations and Author tags

10. Cite all sources

This is for the most part the best way in order to check an essay and make sure it’s as

good as it possibly can be. It takes a while to get better at revising but over time there

will be improvement. Throughout the year I noticed how I was getting better because

my Comp grade kept getting better and better. At the beginning of the year I struggled

and barely did anything to make my essay better. Now every time we have to edit and

revise, I can easily look for mistakes and fix them to make the essay more fluent.

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