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Gavin Babcock

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 1


The format of my presentation will benefit my classmates. I decided to make the

PowerPoint only the main points. For the handout I created, I put a little more information than

I did on my power point just for some extra background information for them to have. Overall, I

used all the most important information on this literary theory, so the class should have a good

understanding of the literary theory I am presenting after my presentation is over. If they want I

added names of people to research about this literary theory just in case they want some

additional information.

The Power Point I created is only four slides of information, but it has the most

important information that the class needs to know. Before I made the power point, I looked

over the most important keys to a power point on the website provided on this week's work

report, so I took that information and tried to use it on the power point. One of the most

important things stated in the power point guide is that only the most important bullet points

should be put on the Presentation, so that what I did. Also, another thing I did is make sure the

background is just right and not too bright and doesn’t take away from the presentation so the

class can see my information.

When it comes to the notes I created, I put a little bit more background information on

them. I put more important notes on these because I think the class needs to know them even

though I didn’t put them on the power point. I think this is beneficial for them to understand

my presentation a little bit better. Also, if we get a test for these literary theories the notes I

created can be used as a good study guide.

Overall, I think my presentation format will benefit my classmates and help them

understand the Marxist literary theory better than they did before. The power point and notes

have the most important information on them. Also, my power point follows most of the

guidelines from the website on the work report. I think this presentation will be beneficial to

my classmates.

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