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This study was carried out to examine the impact of the Detectif Jari technique on the level of mastering

the basic
element of the student's history and interest for the topic of Malacca origin. The researcher found that the level of
skill mastery considering the basic element of the year 4 student's history is weak. This problem led to a decline in
their achievement. Detektif Jari Technique is a technique that integrates the 5W1H technique and discovery inquiry
to help students master the basic elements of History. The target group is five Sk Patikang Laut year four
students. Data were collected through evaluation methods, document analysis, interviews and observation methods.
Researchers used triangulation methods in reviewing research data. The findings of the study showed that the
increase in the mean of pre test was from 28 to 68.4. The findings show that pupils' mastery of the historical element
is increasing.

Keywords: Finger Detection, Basic Element History, Melaka Opening Event, Inquiry Inquiry, 5W1H.

This purpose of this research is to determine the effects of Detective Jari technique on mastering the basic
elements of year four history for the topic of Malacca origin. The preliminary findings show that the skill
level of skill in mastering the basic element of history for the topic Malacca origin for year four student is
very weak. The Detektif Jari technique is a technique that integrates the 5W1H technique to help pupils
master the basic elements of History namely the characters, places, events and times of the year four
history topic. The target group is five Sk Patikang Laut year four students. In this research, I have collected
data in several ways, such as measurement, document analysis, interviews with five pupils, and observation
of pupils during the Detektif Jari technique implementation process. The findings involve all participants in
a weak study in the control of the basic element of history for the Malacca origin topic shows a positive
improvement in the Post Test compared to the Pre-Test. Researchers used triangulation methods in
reviewing analyzed data.

Keywords: Detektif Jari, History Basic Element, Melaka origin, Year Four, 5W1H.

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