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Camila Andrea Moreno.

Reading report.

William Shakespeare was an important expositor of English literature is placed in doubt his
authorship so many years of his death, the author propose some theories about “who was
Willian Shakespeare?”

According to the author exist many theories and these theories propose that Willian
Shakespeare, the identity, was not real. About William Shakespeare, we cannot find some
information depend of the period of time and this unknown information is one important
facts about how he did know write? He did not go to school as the author said, but is
probably he assisted to a grammar school.

Shakespeare is Bacon. It is a theory about Sir Francis Bacon, he was a politician and
philosopher very important in Elizabethan era. Shakespeare and Bacon use some of the
same vocabulary in his works and they used an extensive list of the same words that no one
else in the period used, as the author said. To the Baconian hypothesis found evidences that
Bacon wrote almost 800 plays by all of dramas if the Elizabethan era, which also was the
son of queen Elizabeth.

Another theory is Shakespeare works were written for a group of collaborators, this consist
in create one name for people that wrote great works and used a pseudonym. In the early
19th century claims that someone else wrote his plays began.

Theorist has an assumption to respect the purpose of the Shakespeare, they said “There is
no such thing as imaginative and fictive literature written for the purpose of entertainment.”
The author explain that the works are clearly indicated historical events. In the other hand
the author had de Vere by forms to express and know things that Shakespeare did not know
as law or medicine and The author of Shakespeare's was not a great navigator, or as I said
before lawyer – physician.

As William Shakespeare of Stratford wrote, "a tale /Told by an idiot, full of sound and
fury, /Signifying nothing."

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