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Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW, “SPEOY, ORT. INDIA, = Doo, 25,1961 a 'S CONSPTRACY IN INDIA AGATIST PORTUGAL" + Madras, India;Visiting India, comrade 1.1, Brezhnev, Phestdtnt of sorte Gaiee tend eee lar oP earners that Soviet Union is behind recent India's attack egainst Portugal, Comrade Brezhnev stated; that Indian people "saw very Glearly who is their friend and best friend, during the India's attack on Portuguese Goa Diu and Damac. He stated; that an attack against Portugal ip a tremendous blow to capitaliem and eolonialiem, and he delieves that" victory" is near, and capitalion mst sepitelsts ois ‘going to be annihilated from the face of the earth, (So, this is the statement of the Soviet and international Communist conspiracy. Kremlin's conspirator 1s going to visit several eivion and provinces of india Sith gtrong anti~ American propaganda, while the United States "sources of propaganda" have no oivil eourege fo defend United states friends, as conspirator of Kremlin ie doing in India), TM sa ia SEE 8 sll. shee nee (Approved For Release 2009/01/02 - CIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9 ummm Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9 SPECIAL PROM MADRAS-INDIA" December 25,1961 dras: H.Q, of the India's wreedom Party. Madras. Governor General Chakravarti Rajecopelachari attacking in the weekly magazine (inglish language). Mg, Nehru and comrade Krohna Menon illegal attack ~invacion against Portugal provinces. He stated, that India "comletely lost her moral and hunan power to-reise her-woice against us of military conflict and military power", He atated; that India would be pushed into the Communist cam, "The Soviet veto in the United Nations Security Comneil -(Western resolution calling for Indian withiraval from Goa) came to Nehru's assistance, but - he stated, this situation is going to place India in’the Councils of the world as an aggressor. He stated, that at the present moment only withdrawing India's military forces from Goa may save the face of Indie and Indien people, He stated, that "Gandhi will never omit a such bad things". om, — ore ‘Approved For Release 2009/01/02 - GIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9 roved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9 *p*qtaoq2urysen, esnoy e27yA OL 4 g 3 y 3 i z & 8 2 a 3 3 : weTLIT y a @ 8 s 8 8 8 3 8 a ° 8 + ° 2 4 ig y 3 3 LL Is q ‘Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002600040003-9

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