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Problem Solving

The first Inter-disciplinary Project I will be talking about is based on Alcohol Abuse. This

assignment was completed during my second semester of 9th grade. For this assignment, we were

asked to inform the community about this ongoing issue. This IDP fits the Problem-Solving

category because as a group, we were able to find community resources in order to help solve this

issue or to prevent it from growing.

The second Inter-disciplinary Project I will be talking about is based on the Lead toxicity in

our community. This IDP was completed during my second semester of 11th grade. During this

IDP we were asked to create action in order to solve this issue. The reason this IDP fits the

Problem-Solving category is because we had to find a solution in order to bring awareness on

this issue.

During both IDP’s we were active citizens, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.

We were effective communicators when explaining the topic to our audience and allowing them

to understand we needed to take action. We were critical thinkers by finding community

resources in order to help prevent these issues from growing. Lastly, we were active citizens by

fundraising money and donating it to the children’s hospital to help those who have been

affected by these issues.

Comparing both IDP’s I noticed there were many areas of growth within myself. Some areas

of growth that I saw between the two IDPs’ where I was able to speak up more, I found bigger

ways to create action, and I became better at presenting. I still need to improve in being more

confident when presenting. I can use these skills in the future when having to make a

presentation and sharing it with the community.

Alcohol Abuse:

Lead Toxicity in Our Community:

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