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Bratu 1

Nicole Bratu


English 10 Honors

10 January 2019

Finding Peace in Turmoil

The pictures of turmoil mostly all have a darker color element to them to relate back to

how turmoil is bad and it is darker than other things. Some of the turmoil pictures also have fire

include in them because that better describes part of the element of turmoil which is disturbance

and unpredictability. Some of the turmoil pictures are from different protests in the world and so

in those picture there are a lot of people who look unhappy or distraught. They want change so to

them they have to cause some kind of turmoil to be able to get it. One picture in particular on the

collage is a picture of inner turmoil, and the coloring of the picture is black and white. The

picture also looks teared so you can see the different layers of turmoil that person has. How he

looks fine on the outside but deep inside he is bothered deeply by something. All together as a

group the pictures that represent peace can be categorized as having a lighter shading or color.

Most of the pictures have a light shining through the picture or you can see the sun in the sky.

This object is placed in most of the pictures to better represent peace and lightness. Compared to

the pictures of turmoil all of the pictures of peace are very clear and easy to see. The pictures of

turmoil are disturbances and confusion, but the peace pictures bring clarity and stillness to

contrast from the murkiness of the turmoil pictures.

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