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Canon pm? deafcedetez onodecis pomib?. pmoopoxtet fcire ep in pncipfo fttaz tableg pontit ouode’ citn tabelle defutétes dnodecis melib?.qlibs folum p vnico mete. incapite cut*libs llagnomen méfis afignats eft amaztioinctpie’ tes fecundus oxdiné mefis pcedétes,2 in Alfbs fllazz in pte ftniftra fit tres linee.pma.ts, linea default oieb? mefins.feciida linea dePuit ris diez. textia ho minutis horaz. 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Si fo pis efjre dom? p? meridié afioera quothoras uisp? mertoié, et las adde horis cminutis innétisin directo diei iti zagregatt Gre tn pitna z Ba linets denotatib? horas zminuta zhoc ndattedéoo ad tituld meri tab f5,pcedédo p tabulas z vbt fuerlt re talisnty, mer? in directo li? Gre afcedés 7 efjtioné domoz vt p” ro tcp? Afitd fuerit ante meridse fubtrahe horas Gshabesabhoris zi iw vétisin directo diet ppoii-refios greta tails oezdtia ficut 3 | Fopeeroem fic deallijs, eden? 2 vt hee Snig manifeltt? opparedt in créplofactl? acci ei volo {cire afcédés in Gndecia ok pectbrig nab a Gns volo habereduodects domes ejtas tic Groin titulo’ tabulag afcendentis nomen menfis Gfitifctlicet Scembris in parte finittra AW menfis Gro diem ppofitd (cilicet qudcimi diem decembris 7 in directo ll? dtei inuento op eft afcendens in meridte fert? grad? arte: tis.z eciida domn? feptim? gead? tanriz teztia dom? fert? grad? ge, minoz, z Gta dom? testl? grad9 cdcri, zqnte dom? pn? gradusleo, nis, zfertado? texti? grad? virgins. Btergoyolneris{direatcew dens in Gudecima die decembris Gtnor boris yerbt gratia p? meri dies adde predictas horas illis horts innentis {ndtrecto fl? diel et totus agregatuserit 22 hore? 49 ih. quashoras zminuta Gre tn tabellis meftsfeqntii quas inuenles in directo 10 dieifebruarij ¢ eritafcedés 26 grad? geminog zfeciida d6? 17 Gcicrt. zficde alijs Somib? fed ft vis cadexoie.f. 1s decebris (cire afcéoee ouaby boris ante meridies (ubtrahe onas horas ab horis inuétisin direer toil? diets ciirefiduo ingredere in tabellis precedétib? fic predict, m?. [nota ¢ fi in addédo horas quas habes vltra merloiescu3 bor nse ris pofitis in directo ppofite diet fuerint p?? 24 fubtzahe ab illis ix 24 .tcirefiouoingrederein tabellisticut p>. @ Ytesnotatecivo Sprranfactis 12 Gnis pot radices taBlaz debes addere ynii oie ‘diei ppofito videlsfifuerit dies ppofit? 11 marti ingzedere in ix Canon fecid? de vero loco folis habéoo, oportet fino fcire gp pero loco (olis babédo pondtur Gtnor tabule fo: alibs tabula deferntes yntco afio in quori ca te ponituz titul? veto ciliter pofint cognofci cé eazradtce. tern in capitib? tabulaz poniif méfes inctpigtes a maitio fecidiiozdinem mefius, Deindein inferior linea ponit figna oplibs fignd ub pnico mete. Beinde por hilt grad? in feciioa.a pte Ho finittra inpma linea poniitdiesmefium comes omib? méfib® pofitis ta fla Heegovolueri sicire si loci folis debes Pino habere radicé folie ep? inceptionts itarns Ft int 1473 Weide fubtrahe atépore py et at ane patnoy ja renolti ole ltt uor * eh rdidnia facies igretas itabalia tem fcito ep poft pa ee ti6z debeo adderep qlibs renolutionse gradib? folfs innentis vente pndz 46 §ztichabebis Pifolis locti.z pt labor addedi eni __ Tear fecltabelld Gnd in goftedt lind cpZ addeousi Gibs.futara {LP apareat pono tale erépins. polo fcire Ri ie iets Mtterabtabdlie te remanztgs 23 aqb? fub’ we 3 gun noti¢s fuertt| le remanebiit ergo tres eritn’ e2g0 ous tabley folistiic igre aoe ne hn (Gis me are EA 4 i é 47 ith 3s § arietis, § tlic - eee folis trafactas 65 cp aparet fn tsbelacbiteto lag Gnq revolutions. qv’ iGctis died pitts is 5 ih 25 3 arletis. ty 5 Fe ga talistqualibsfignon, ¢ Redestente ? 2 bai? mooi igrefu folis poniit @tuor follia.tcapite cui libs cag eet figna ictplétes ab ariete Ps ordiéfignog, {Bfjgnis poniit.n.t ok eo icipiétes amatto Ss oroine melts, Deideponst dies hore th { te bo finiftra ponit dnt reuoln.ab pnoicipietes viqa> Bt € i caper i tae di refiouoi ettablis edirectoo inenies die fn ren tier tifactis 136 afta poft radicé tablaz Gb? defernltit hee tad te 8 nift op idiges efftide feilis mi OT eelawin itigs HO Bte nota op liftis noeoi plibsreuoln.futuradté vad pigi M5 eienwan tablisnd¢ nefcefaria die quota fit 6 143 eG ees Zedtio. 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